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São Paulo, Brazil

by Isabel Duprat


The areas reserved for the gardens were remnants of the building's architectural project, without much land height in its majority, apart from the area where the beautiful jatoba tree (Hymenaea courbaril) - from which the building was named after - was planted. This is the big problem of the landscaping project when starting with the architectural project already consolidated. The contribution is small and the object of work and creation takes place in the space that is left. For that very reason, I came up with the idea of making this more explicit, as if these little garden features were reminiscent of the original place, left untouched during the building process. Thus, on a very shalow layer of soil for planting, I created a rug of uneven stones streaked with ferns and philodendrons springing to the surface through the cracks in the ground as if they were already there. The water mirror that surrounds the building, which also reflects this idea, was designed as ruins of a foundation. Brown granite rocks in geometric shapes that become juxtaposed at different heights create a dynamic effect on the colors of the water which is reinforced by the wind.


The building's rooftop was prepared with enough soil to receive an herb garden and a large orchard that produces pomegranates, acerola cherries, cambucás (Plinia edulis), jabuticabas (Plinia cauliflora) and cherries, which offer a flavorsome walk to the users of the building while fulfilling the role of covering the large number of condensers, also offering a kind gesture by providing a more pleasant view to the neighboring buildings.


Intervention area 2200 m²

Project and execution 2007 – 2010

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